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Having implemented Eyes On Alert’s emergency mass notification system, we can confidently say our administration feels more confident in the emergency response of our organization. The platform’s seamless integration with our existing infrastructure, coupled with its user-friendly interface, has revolutionized our emergency response protocols. With Eyes On Alert, we can swiftly disseminate critical information to our staff, stakeholders, and emergency responders, ensuring everyone stays informed and safe during crisis situations. The system’s reliability and efficiency have surpassed our expectations, giving us peace of mind knowing that we have a robust solution in place to handle any emergency scenario. We highly recommend Eyes On Alert to any organization looking to enhance their emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

— Elisa Mula

Founder of Moms in Security

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At the beginning of 2024, our church was faced with the need to communicate to all our Safety Team members and Staff members to alert them of any type of emergency response. We considered expanding the number of radios from 10 to 20 to cover communications in the classrooms, off-duty team members in the sanctuary during services and the staff wherever they may be at the time of the emergency. The cost of expanding our radio network would cost more than our annual budget.

Through the Faith Based Security Network, I learned of an organization called Eyes On Alert that would work on cell phones of our team, teachers and staff and at the push of an icon on the cell phone uploaded with the Eyes On Alert program, would alert all our Safety Team, teachers and staff and even call 911 if that was necessary. It works like an All Call to the entire Safety Team, to notify ALL or Safety Team and 911.

This satisfies the need to reach off duty Safety Team members in the service without disrupting the service if that is necessary and reduces the expensive replacement and upkeep of an expanded radio system.

Mike Robison and his team at Eyes On Alert have been extremely responsive in helping with the setup and any problems we may have encountered with Eyes On Alert and to any suggestions to them to improve their service for our church which resulted in upgrades to their entire network.

We are very satisfied with the service and the responsiveness of Eyes On Alert and the cost is significantly less than purchasing new radios to meet the same needs.

— Kevin Horn

Safety Director,

Ravenna Baptist Church

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Mike Robison is the creator of School Security First. I think very highly of him, his company , his work, his product and the folks behind his enterprise. From a safety guy who lived and breathed school safety, I am highly endorsing School Security First, a mass notification software.

— Joseph Erardi

(Retired Superintendant in Newton CT and executive board memeber of American Association of School Administrators: AASA)

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As a school leader, facing and understanding the unfortunate safety concerns that modern educational institutions contend with can be frightening and places us in an unfamiliar place. Mike and School Security First provide not only a tool to improve school safety, but a partner that understands the difficulties we now face. When considering the safety of our students and families, nothing is more important than trust. For our schools, School Security First has earned not only our business, but our trust through their unwavering dedication to helping us keep our students safe.

— Jerry Wilson

Director of Educational Support,

Memphis Business Academy

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Don’t wait for a crisis to discover your current system’s limits.